Shielding Your Business from Cyber Threats: Our Solutions for Social Engineering and Phishing Protection

The two highest-targeted industries for phishing attacks, during the first quarter of 2022, are web-based software services accounting for 23.6% of attacks, and financial institutions accounting for 20.5% of attacks. In 2021, IT professionals experienced smishing attacks: 71%. These statistics emphasize the crucial need for organizations to bolster their defenses against such threats.

At Ducara, we understand the urgency of this matter, and we take pride in offering a diverse range of industry-leading Social Engineering and Phishing Protection products.

Barracuda Networks


Stay One Step Ahead: Safeguarding Your Digital World from Social Engineering and Phishing Attacks


Enhanced Security Awareness

These solutions typically incorporate training programs and simulations to educate users about the various tactics employed by social engineers and phishers.


Prevention of Data Breaches

Helps mitigate the risk of data breaches by identifying and blocking these fraudulent attempts, ensuring the security of personal and organizational information.


Regulatory Compliance

Employing social engineering and phishing protection solutions helps meet these compliance requirements, reducing the risk of penalties and legal consequences associated with data breaches.


Mitigation of Financial Losses

Robust protection solutions employ sophisticated algorithms and threat intelligence to detect and block such attacks, preventing financial losses and potential reputational damage.


Protection against Malware and Ransomware

Social engineering and phishing protection solutions employ advanced email filtering and link scanning mechanisms to identify and block these threats, reducing the risk of infections and potential system compromises.


Safeguarding Reputational Integrity

By implementing proactive protection measures, such as email authentication protocols can prevent unauthorized use of a brand's identity and maintain trust with customers and stakeholders.


Explore the best fit for your business

Barracuda Phishing and
Impersonation Protection

A solution that uses AI-based threat detection to stop phishing and impersonation email attacks in real time. It integrates with Office 365 to prevent personalized fraud attacks that traditional email gateways cannot detect.

Sophos Phish Threat

A solution that combines phishing simulation, security awareness training, and reporting to educate users and reduce the risk of phishing attacks. It allows you to create realistic phishing campaigns, deliver interactive training modules, and measure user behavior and progress.

GravityZone Cloud MSP Security

It offers various security features, including anti-phishing capabilities. It helps detect and block phishing attempts by analyzing URLs, email content, and other indicators of malicious activity.



Barracuda Phishing and Impersonation Protection

Sophos Phish Threat
GravityZone Cloud MSP Security

Phishing Detection

Detects and blocks suspicious emails Simulates realistic phishing campaigns Analyzes URLs and email content for phishing indicators

Social Engineering Protection

Analyzes language patterns and detects language often used in attack emails Provides interactive training modules on social engineering techniques and best practices Provides visibility into user activities and alerts on suspicious behavior

Training and Education

Provides user awareness training materials Offers training materials for users Offers education and awareness materials

Email Analysis

Analyzes email content and identifies impersonation attempts Assesses user behavior and responses Analyzes email content for phishing indicators

Reporting and Analytics

Generates reports on email security and user engagement Provides detailed analytics on user behavior Offers reporting and analytics on phishing attempts

URL Protection

Scans URLs for potential phishing threats Simulates phishing URLs in training Analyzes URLs for indicators of malicious activity

Real-time Threat Intelligence

Utilizes threat intelligence to identify and block phishing attempts N/A Utilizes threat intelligence for proactive protection

Integration with Security Stack

Integrates with other security solutions for enhanced protection Integrates with Sophos security products Integrates with Bitdefender security ecosystem


Tailored Social Engineering and Phishing Protection Solutions: Industry-Specific Safeguards

Deals with vast amounts of sensitive customer data and handles online transactions. Robust protection solutions are essential to prevent financial fraud, protect customer trust, and ensure compliance with regulatory standards such as PCI-DSS.

Cybercriminals target this sector to obtain personally identifiable information (PII), engage in medical identity theft, or exploit vulnerable infrastructure. Social engineering and phishing protection solutions designed for the healthcare industry help prevent data breaches, maintain patient privacy, and ensure compliance with HIPAA regulations.

Cyberattacks against these entities can have far-reaching consequences, compromising national security, public safety, and disrupting essential services. Tailored social engineering and phishing protection solutions help fortify the government’s cyber defenses, safeguard classified information, and ensure the continuity of public services.

Cybercriminals attempt to gain access to customer accounts, steal credit card information, or launch fraudulent campaigns. By deploying tailored protection solutions, retail and e-commerce organizations can maintain customer trust, secure financial transactions, and protect their reputation.

Social engineering and phishing attacks can target manufacturing organizations to gain control over industrial control systems (ICS) or disrupt production processes, leading to significant financial losses and compromising public safety. Customized protection solutions mitigate these risks, safeguard sensitive manufacturing data, and ensure operational continuity.

Phishing attacks targeting technology and software development organizations often aim to steal sensitive intellectual property, software source code, or gain unauthorized access to customer databases. Industry-specific protection solutions bolster the resilience of technology companies, prevent data breaches, and protect valuable trade secrets.

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Our Credibility

With ISO 9001: 2015, ISO 27001: 2022, ISO 27701: 2019, we assure that we have standardized quality, effective Information Security Management System with a privacy extension that makes us more reliable and trustworthy for our services and project engagements.