Unlock the Potential: Elevate Your Skills with Ducara's Specialized Product-Based Training

Maximize the value of your software or product investment with our specialized product-based training. Unlock the full potential of your tools and empower your team with the knowledge and skills they need for success. Are you ready to optimize your productivity and achieve more with our tailored product training?



Enhance your expertise in securing Windows 10 environments with the Windows 10 Infrastructure Security (W10|IS) certification. In today's digital age, protecting your organization's infrastructure is of paramount importance. With this certification, you'll gain the skills and knowledge to fortify your Windows 10 systems against a wide range of threats. Join the ranks of security professionals who are dedicated to safeguarding Windows 10 infrastructures and ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data.

Comprehensive Windows Security

Master the art of securing Windows 10 infrastructure, safeguarding your organization's endpoints and data. W10|IS certification ensures that your Windows environment remains highly resilient against threats.

Enhanced User Experience

With this certification, optimize the balance between security and usability in your Windows 10 environment. Users can work seamlessly, knowing their data is well-protected.

Threat Mitigation Skills

Acquire the knowledge to proactively detect and respond to security threats within Windows 10. W10|IS enables you to minimize risks and prevent data breaches.

What Skills Will Your Learn?

Skills You’ll Master in W10|IS Training Program


Domain 1: Windows 10 Security Features

You'll gain a comprehensive understanding of the various security features embedded within Windows 10. This knowledge allows you to effectively configure and manage them to protect systems.


Domain 2: Infrastructure Hardening

The ability to harden the infrastructure is crucial. You'll learn techniques to fortify Windows 10 systems, making them less susceptible to security threats.


Domain 3: User Account Control (UAC)

UAC plays a vital role in controlling privileges and preventing unauthorized changes. You'll become proficient in configuring and managing UAC settings.


Domain 4: Windows Defender Configuration

Windows Defender is a cornerstone of Windows 10 security. You'll learn how to configure and manage it to provide robust security against a wide range of threats.


Domain 5: Secure Boot and Device Guard

These security features ensure secure system boot and control over applications. You'll understand how to configure and utilize them for maximum protection.


Domain 6: Group Policy for Security

You'll master the use of Group Policy to enforce security policies within a Windows 10 environment, ensuring consistency and compliance.


Domain 7: Threat Detection and Response

Skills in identifying and responding to security threats in Windows 10 infrastructure are vital for safeguarding critical systems.


Domain 8: Security Patch Management

Timely management of security patches is essential to protect against known vulnerabilities. You'll gain an understanding of best practices for patch management in Windows 10.

For complete information, Download the handout now


As organizations increasingly rely on Microsoft Office 365 for their productivity and communication needs, ensuring the security of these cloud-based services is paramount. The Security in Microsoft Office 365 (S|O365) certification equips you with the skills and knowledge to protect sensitive data, maintain compliance, and secure your organization's Office 365 environment. Join the league of professionals who are committed to safeguarding one of the most widely used productivity suites in the world.

Cloud-Based Security Expertise

Become proficient in securing Microsoft Office 365, a critical cloud platform. S|O365 certification ensures your organization's data and communication are shielded from cyber threats.

Real-time Threat Mitigation

Acquire skills to proactively mitigate security threats, minimizing vulnerabilities and potential damage.

Data Loss Prevention

Prevent data loss and maintain compliance within Office 365. S|O365 equips you with the skills to implement effective data protection strategies.

What Skills Will Your Learn?

Acquire Essential Skills with S|O365 Training Program


Domain 1: Office 365 Security Features

A deep understanding of the security features and tools available in Office 365 is crucial for effective protection of data and communications.


Domain 2: Data Loss Prevention (DLP)

You'll learn to configure and manage DLP policies to prevent unauthorized sharing of sensitive information, ensuring compliance and data security.


Domain 3: Email Security and Threat Protection

The ability to configure email security settings and protect against email-based threats is central to Office 365 security.


Domain 4: Identity and Access Management

You'll understand the management of user identities, access controls, and authentication, ensuring only authorized users have access.


Domain 5: Security and Compliance Center

The use of the Security and Compliance Center is pivotal for managing security settings and ensuring regulatory compliance.


Domain 6: Secure File Sharing

Skills for securing file sharing and collaboration within Office 365 environments protect sensitive data and enhance collaboration.


Domain 7: Incident Response for Office 365

You'll be equipped to respond effectively to security incidents specific to Office 365, minimizing potential damage and ensuring business continuity.


Domain 8: Office 365 Security Auditing and Reporting

The generation of security reports and recommendations for ongoing security improvements is a crucial skill to maintain an effective security posture.

For complete information, Download the handout now


Network security testing is a critical aspect of maintaining a secure digital environment. The Network Security Testing with NMAP (NST|NMAP) certification is designed for those who wish to excel in this specialized field. With NST|NMAP, you'll learn the ins and outs of NMAP, a powerful network scanning tool, and gain proficiency in identifying vulnerabilities and weaknesses in your network infrastructure. Join the elite group of network security professionals who are dedicated to keeping networks safe from intrusions and attacks.

NMAP Proficiency

Master the use of NMAP, a versatile network scanning tool. NST|NMAP certification empowers you to conduct thorough network security assessments and identify vulnerabilities.

Precise Threat Assessment

Conduct in-depth network security tests to pinpoint weaknesses and vulnerabilities. Your expertise leads to more precise threat assessment and remediation.

Cost-Effective Security Testing

Enhance network security without breaking the budget. NST|NMAP certification enables you to perform comprehensive security testing efficiently and affordably.

What Skills Will Your Learn?

Skills You’ll Master in NST|NMAP Training Program


Domain 1: NMAP Tool Mastery

An in-depth understanding of the NMAP tool and its capabilities is essential for conducting network security assessments.


Domain 2: Network Discovery and Enumeration

The ability to discover and enumerate network assets and services forms the foundation of effective network security testing.


Domain 3: Vulnerability Scanning

You'll learn how to perform vulnerability scans using NMAP to identify potential weaknesses in network configurations.


Domain 4: Service and Version Detection

Skills in detecting services and their versions allow for precise security assessments and understanding potential vulnerabilities.


Domain 5: Scripting with NSE

Mastery of NMAP's NSE for scripting customized security tests enhances your ability to tailor tests to specific requirements.


Domain 6: Real-time Threat Assessment

Skills for assessing network security in real-time ensure rapid response to vulnerabilities and emerging threats.


Domain 7: Security Reporting and Recommendations

Generating comprehensive security reports and providing recommendations for network security improvements is vital for ongoing protection.

For complete information, Download the handout now


Protecting your organization's endpoints is essential in today's cyber landscape. The Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud (K|ESC) certification empowers you with the knowledge and skills to secure endpoints efficiently using Kaspersky's cloud-based security solution. By becoming K|ESC certified, you'll be a trusted defender of endpoints, ensuring that your organization's devices and data remain safe from malware, ransomware, and other emerging threats. Let's delve into the three core benefits of the K|ESC certification and the invaluable skills you'll gain.

Endpoint Security Mastery

Gain expertise in securing endpoints with Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud. K|ESC certification ensures that your organization's devices are protected against a wide range of cyber threats.

Simplified Cloud Security

Streamline your cloud security management with K|ESC. This certification allows you to efficiently protect your endpoints, providing a user-friendly and robust security solution.

Proactive Threat Defense

Detect and respond to threats on endpoints in real-time. K|ESC certification empowers you to maintain a strong defense against malware, ransomware, and other security risks.

What Skills Will Your Learn?

Skills You’ll Master in K|ESC Training Program


Domain 1: Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud Features

A deep understanding of Kaspersky's cloud-based endpoint security solution and its features is fundamental for effective endpoint protection.


Domain 2: Endpoint Security Configuration

The ability to configure and manage security settings for cloud-based endpoints ensures robust security for digital assets.


Domain 3: Real-time Threat Detection

Skills in real-time threat detection empower you to respond promptly to security incidents, minimizing potential damage and data loss.


Domain 4: Cloud-Based Security Policies

Skills in creating and implementing security policies tailored to cloud-based endpoint security help maintain a secure environment.


Domain 5: Incident Response for Cloud-Based Endpoints

The ability to respond effectively to security incidents specific to cloud-based endpoints ensures business continuity.


Domain 6: Security Reporting and Compliance

Generating security reports and ensuring compliance with cloud-based security standards is vital for ongoing protection and regulatory adherence.

For complete information, Download the handout now


Dive into the realm of advanced cybersecurity with the Exploit Development and Execution with Metasploit Framework (EDE|MSF) certification. As cyber threats become more sophisticated, mastering the art of exploiting vulnerabilities and executing successful penetration tests is crucial. With EDE|MSF, you'll gain the expertise to identify and exploit weaknesses, ultimately strengthening an organization's security posture. Join the elite ranks of ethical hackers who use Metasploit as their primary tool to protect against evolving cyber threats.

Advanced Metasploit Mastery

Attain advanced mastery in utilizing the Metasploit Framework for exploit development and execution, a valuable skill in ethical hacking and cybersecurity.

Vulnerability Analysis Proficiency

Acquire skills to perform in-depth vulnerability analysis, enabling you to proactively secure systems.

Effective Penetration Testing

Conduct penetration tests with precision, uncovering hidden vulnerabilities and helping organizations secure their systems. EDE|MSF ensures your tests are thorough and effective.

What Skills Will Your Learn?

Acquire Elite Skills with EDE|MSF Training


Domain 1: Metasploit Framework Fundamentals

Gain a deep understanding of the Metasploit Framework's core components and functionalities.


Domain 2: Exploit Development Techniques

Learn how to develop custom exploits to target vulnerabilities, enhancing your ability to assess systems for weaknesses.


Domain 3: Payload Development

Master the creation of payloads for effective exploitation, a vital aspect of cyber offense.


Domain 4: Vulnerability Scanning and Analysis

Acquire skills for scanning systems, identifying vulnerabilities, and assessing their potential impact.


Domain 5: Post-Exploitation and Persistence

Learn how to maintain access to compromised systems and establish persistence for continued access.


Domain 6: Metasploit Automation

Understand how to automate tasks within the Metasploit Framework to streamline and optimize your operations.


Domain 7: Cyber Threat Intelligence Integration

Integrate cyber threat intelligence into your operations for more targeted and effective exploits.


Domain 8: Security Reporting and Recommendations

Develop the ability to generate comprehensive security reports and provide recommendations for vulnerability mitigation.

For complete information, Download the handout now


Elevate your vulnerability assessment and management skills with the Certified Nessus Expert (C|NESSUSX) certification. In an era of constantly evolving threats, Nessus stands as a pillar in proactive security. By becoming a C|NESSUSX, you'll possess the proficiency to assess vulnerabilities and weaknesses, aiding organizations in fortifying their digital defenses. Join the community of experts who rely on Nessus to maintain the integrity and security of IT infrastructures.

Advanced Nessus Proficiency

Attain advanced mastery in using Nessus for comprehensive vulnerability assessment, allowing you to identify and remediate security weaknesses effectively.

Risk Mitigation Strategies

Develop expertise in interpreting scan results and implementing risk mitigation strategies. Your certification enables you to reduce exposure to potential threats.

Vulnerability Assessment Leadership

Develop the ability to lead vulnerability assessment efforts, ensuring the security of digital assets.

What Skills Will Your Learn?

Skills You’ll Master in C|NESSUSX Training Program


Domain 1: Advanced Nessus Usage

Gain in-depth knowledge of Nessus' advanced features, optimizing vulnerability scans and assessments.


Domain 2: Vulnerability Scanning and Analysis

Master the process of scanning systems, identifying vulnerabilities, and assessing their criticality.


Domain 3: Custom Vulnerability Checks

Learn to create custom vulnerability checks, tailoring assessments to specific requirements.


Domain 4: Risk Assessment and Prioritization

Develop skills for risk assessment and prioritization, allowing for effective vulnerability mitigation strategies.


Domain 5: Compliance Scanning

Understand how to use Nessus for compliance scanning, ensuring that systems adhere to relevant security standards.


Domain 6: Threat Intelligence Integration

Integrate threat intelligence into your vulnerability assessments for more targeted risk analysis.


Domain 7: Security Reporting and Recommendations

The ability to generate comprehensive security reports and provide recommendations for vulnerability remediation is vital for ongoing protection.

For complete information, Download the handout now


Dive into the intricate world of network analysis and packet sniffing with the Certified Wireshark Expert (C|WIRESHARK) certification. In today's interconnected digital landscape, understanding network traffic is pivotal for identifying and mitigating security threats. C|WIRESHARK equips you with specialized expertise in utilizing Wireshark, a powerful network protocol analyzer, to dissect and interpret network packets comprehensively. Gain proficiency in troubleshooting network issues, detecting anomalies, and uncovering security risks. Join the league of certified experts adept at leveraging Wireshark's capabilities to ensure the robustness and security of network communications, making significant contributions to maintaining network integrity and fortifying cyber defenses.

Deep Network Analysis

Gain a profound understanding of network traffic analysis with Wireshark. C|WIRESHARK certification allows you to identify anomalies, troubleshoot network issues, and detect potential security threats.

Network Optimization

Optimize network performance by identifying and resolving issues efficiently. Your expertise ensures that your organization's network remains robust and secure.

Incident Response Readiness

Be well-prepared to respond to security incidents involving network traffic. C|WIRESHARK equips you with the skills to investigate and mitigate incidents swiftly.

What Skills Will Your Learn?

Skills You’ll Master in C|WIRESHARK Training Program


Domain 1: Advanced Wireshark Usage

Gain expertise in utilizing advanced features and functionalities within Wireshark for comprehensive network analysis.


Domain 2: Packet Capturing and Analysis

Master the process of capturing and analyzing network packets, a fundamental aspect of network security and troubleshooting.


Domain 3: Protocols and Signatures

Understand various network protocols and signatures, allowing for the identification of suspicious or malicious network activity.


Domain 4: Threat Detection and Response

Learn how to detect and respond to network threats in real-time, minimizing potential damage.


Domain 5: Forensic Analysis

Develop skills for network forensic analysis, enabling you to investigate security incidents effectively.


Domain 6: Security Monitoring and Alerts

Understand how to set up security monitoring and alerts within Wireshark, enhancing threat detection capabilities.


Domain 7: Incident Response for Network Security

Acquire skills for incident response specific to network security incidents, ensuring the resilience of digital environments.


Domain 8: Security Reporting and Recommendations

The ability to generate comprehensive security reports and provide recommendations for network security improvements is vital for ongoing protection.

For complete information, Download the handout now


As web applications continue to be a prime target for cyberattacks, the Certified OWASP Zed Attack Proxy Expert (C|ZAPX) certification equips you with the tools and expertise to secure them effectively. OWASP ZAP is a critical weapon in the arsenal of web security professionals. By becoming C|ZAPX certified, you'll be at the forefront of protecting web applications from a wide range of vulnerabilities and attacks, ensuring their safety and resilience in the digital landscape. Join the community of certified experts dedicated to safeguarding web assets and bolstering defenses against evolving cyber threats, ensuring the resilience and integrity of web-based systems.

Web Application Security Proficiency

Master the OWASP Zed Attack Proxy to identify and remediate web application vulnerabilities effectively. C|ZAPX certification ensures web applications remain secure.

Security by Design

Incorporate security best practices from the beginning of the software development process. Your expertise minimizes security vulnerabilities in web applications.

Protect Sensitive Data

Ensure the security of sensitive data processed by web applications. C|ZAPX certification provides the knowledge to safeguard user information and organizational assets.

What Skills Will Your Learn?

Skills You’ll Master in C|ZAPX Training Program


Domain 1: Advanced OWASP ZAP Usage

Gain expertise in utilizing advanced features and functionalities within OWASP ZAP for web application security assessments.


Domain 2: Web Application Scanning and Analysis

Master the process of scanning and analyzing web applications, identifying vulnerabilities and potential threats.


Domain 3: Custom Security Testing

Learn to conduct custom security testing of web applications, tailoring assessments to specific requirements.


Domain 4: Injection Attacks and Defense

Understand injection attacks and how to defend against them, a crucial aspect of web application security.


Domain 5: Authentication and Authorization Testing

Develop skills for testing authentication and authorization mechanisms within web applications.


Domain 6: Session Management Assessment

Acquire skills for assessing session management in web applications, identifying potential vulnerabilities.


Domain 7: Web Application Security Best Practices

Understand best practices for securing web applications, ensuring compliance with security standards.


Domain 8: Security Reporting and Recommendations

The ability to generate comprehensive security reports and provide recommendations for web application security improvements is vital for ongoing protection.

For complete information, Download the handout now


Web application security is paramount in the age of digital transformation. The Certified Burp Suite Expert (C|BSX) certification is your gateway to mastering web application security assessment and penetration testing using Burp Suite. By becoming C|BSX certified, you'll gain the skills and knowledge to identify and remediate vulnerabilities, ensuring the robustness and security of web applications. Join the ranks of experts who are dedicated to safeguarding web assets in an increasingly connected world.

Improved Web Application Security

Enhance the security posture of your organization's web applications by proactively addressing vulnerabilities. Your expertise ensures a robust defense against cyber threats.

Effective Web Penetration Testing

Conduct thorough web penetration tests with precision. C|BSX certification empowers you to provide actionable recommendations for improved web security.

Comprehensive Web Security Testing

Become an expert in web security testing using Burp Suite. C|BSX certification equips you to identify and rectify web application vulnerabilities comprehensively.

What Skills Will Your Learn?

Skills You’ll Master in C|BSX Training Program


Domain 1: Advanced Burp Suite Usage

Gain expertise in utilizing advanced features and functionalities within the Burp Suite for web application security assessments.


Domain 2: Web Application Scanning and Analysis

Master the process of scanning and analyzing web applications, identifying vulnerabilities and potential threats.


Domain 3: Custom Security Testing

Learn to conduct custom security testing of web applications, tailoring assessments to specific requirements.


Domain 4: Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Assessment

Understand XSS attacks and how to assess and defend against them, a crucial aspect of web application security.


Domain 5: SQL Injection Assessment

Acquire skills for assessing SQL injection vulnerabilities within web applications.


Domain 6: Authentication and Authorization Testing

Develop skills for testing authentication and authorization mechanisms within web applications.


Domain 7: Web Application Security Best Practices

Understand best practices for securing web applications, ensuring compliance with security standards.


Domain 8: Security Reporting and Recommendations

The ability to generate comprehensive security reports and provide recommendations for web application security improvements is vital for ongoing protection.

For complete information, Download the handout now

Why Ducara?

Fortify Your Future in Cybersecurity – Unleash Your Digital Defender Within

Ducara places great emphasis on industry-recognized certifications, understanding their significance in validating your expertise and boosting your professional credibility.

Ducara places great emphasis on industry-recognized certifications, understanding their significance in validating your expertise and boosting your professional credibility.

Ducara places great emphasis on industry-recognized certifications, understanding their significance in validating your expertise and boosting your professional credibility.

Ducara places great emphasis on industry-recognized certifications, understanding their significance in validating your expertise and boosting your professional credibility.

Ducara places great emphasis on industry-recognized certifications, understanding their significance in validating your expertise and boosting your professional credibility.

Ducara places great emphasis on industry-recognized certifications, understanding their significance in validating your expertise and boosting your professional credibility.

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Empower your cybersecurity journey with Ducara’s industry-recognized certifications and customized training programs, propelling you towards excellence in an ever-evolving digital world.

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With ISO 9001: 2015, ISO 27001: 2022, ISO 27701: 2019, we assure that we have standardized quality, effective Information Security Management System with a privacy extension that makes us more reliable and trustworthy for our services and project engagements.